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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Moto 360 SmartWatch has a competitor! (Even before it is launched)

We were all dancing in our shoes when Google unveiled what came to be known as the Moto 360. The first round dial smart watch! Wow!

Now months after the AndroidWear is made available by Google and the Moto 360 and LG G watch on the line to be launched comes a company that aims to dethrone the Moto 360 from the only one having the wow factor due to a round dial.

Kairos has come up with a mechanical hybrid watch which duals up as a smartwatch when required! Now that’s smart.

Here is a video of the Kairos Watch!

The watch uses smart display technique which only lights up the LED screen when a new notification on your phone has arrived, allowing the watch to have over 5 days of battery life from the 41 hrs battery life of the current smart watches.

The watch features ARM Cortex M4 processor and houses 512Mb memory. Currently the watch features a custom OS developed by the company but when asked if they plan to use AndroidWear Sam Yang of Kairos watch replied

We have set our specs to Arm Cortex M4 with 512MB memory in anticipation to handling Android Wear OS.
Now that would be interesting to see. If Kairos brings it’s mechanical smartwatch with the AndroidWear I can certainly see the Moto 360 receiving the heat.

Here are the videos of the Moto 360.

and the LG G watch

What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! 

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